
Thursday 21 February 2013

Fair Maid of Perth

Fair city of Perth shines brightly
Summer light sparkles on the Tay
Streets throng with foreign blood
The city wakes to another day
And I see her as she rises

Bold ducks and graceful swans
Bob in time for scraps and crumbs
On the bubbling ebb and flow
Of the rivers twists and turns
And I see her as she waits

Bridges on the north and south
Bring needed trade on foot and wheel
Lifeblood renewed in the city fair
Perth rises with freshened zeal
And I see her as she breathes

Searching freedom in the purist air
I watch as the new dawn breaks
Sat on my bench by the river
Staring hard as the world awakes
I see her as she starts her day

Sitting here watching the world
I see her
All the times I've sat on this bench
I realise
She’s always been there
In the corner of my eye
Each and every day
Ever present
Hair tumbling like the river
Across her shoulders
And down her back
Eyes tired and forlorn
Reflecting her life story
Seeing but forever unseen
And I realise
She’s always been there
Ignored, unloved

© Fergus Martin

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